In this laboratory course students develop a mechatronic prosthesis prototype, which shall meet the requirements of the international Cybathlon competition. Students must demonstrate their ability to implement theory into practical applications in a team setting. The module grade of the Projektarbeit is determined by the final group prototype (80%) and the documentation (10-15 pages, 20%).

This laboratory course focuses on the development of an upper limb mechatronic intelligent prosthesis. Students learn how to perform hardware and software prototyping from scratch. Furthermore, they gain skills in modeling, control, experimental implementation and field testing of prosthesis devices. Starting from an existing prosthesis design (transradial, transhumeral), students will design a lightweight, wearable device that is intuitive to control. This includes modeling and the mechanical design using state-of-the-art 3D-printing technology as well as control, electronics development and application of AI-based algorithms.

Module Description: