Nano- and optomechanics is a rapidly developing field where mechanical resonators - ranging from the nanoscale to km-sized gravitational-wave detectors - are studied with extremely sensitive methods. In this course we will study some of the most intriguing aspects of this topic, including mechanics at the nanoscale, NEMS sensors, synchronization, and quantum-limited measurements. The course consists of a lecture and exercises and will be given in English. For more details see the video below (will be available on 25-10)

This semester the Nano- and Optomechanics course will be given in a hybrid format: in-presence (limited seating) and live streaming+recording via Zoom. Depending on the preference of the participating students and the developments of the pandemic, this may be adapted to achieve the learning outcomes in the best way.

Kurs aus TUMOnline ( W2020/21)