Kurs aus TUMOnline ( W2020/21)

The Quantum Technologies group organizes the "Journal Club Optomechanics and Quantum Optics". This seminar is held every semester and the module number is PH1506 for BSc students, PH1482 for MSc students. After the great success of the previous edition, we are happy to announce that also this semester, the JC OMQO will again be held online.

If you think that this is an interesting seminar (we certainly think it is!), then make sure to sign up for the course in TUM online. This way, you will receive the information on the first meeting, that typically takes place a few weeks after the semester starts. If you decide later that you will not take part, you can unregister yourself without any problems. Please contact Prof. Poot if you would like to have more information on the Journal Club.