The Informatics student council assembly (Fachschaftsvollvesammlung/FVV) is your opportunity to have a say where we, as your representative body, will focus our attention in the coming year. As a change from previous years, we will be more reliant on your participation by presenting a handful of subjects affecting students' everyday life for which we wish to get your opinions in order to direct and inform our work.

We will present some central aspects of the student council's everyday life and our work of the past semester. Then, you will have opportunities to interactively ask questions via, which we will answer as best we can on the spot. In addition, you will be able to contribute suggestions that we will incorporate into the work of the next semester. We'll also bring you up to date on exam formats, digital teaching, the school transition, and more.

Due to the present pandemic, this semester's assembly meeting will take place as a livestream. We will share the link with you via moodle once the preparations allow this. Unfortunately, we will have to skip the traditional biannual coffee & cake :)

If you have any suggestions, wishes, or problems in the run-up to the FVV, please feel free to contact us at any time at