Kurs aus TUMOnline ( S2022)

Dear Students,

Great that you are interested in taking part in the JC OM&QO!

This semester the journal club is really popular and the slots are filling up quickly. In this email I want to give you an overview of what to expect, and when we will have the first meeting. First of all, also this semester we will hold the journal club in an online format via Zoom meetings. These are the meeting details:

Meeting ID: 686 0532 4798
Passcode: 804197

The JC is organized as follows:

1. Introductory meeting to discuss the format (about 30 minutes, Zoom).
2. Selection of your paper
3. Read the paper
4. Discuss the paper with me (Zoom or in person)
5. Make a draft presentation
6. Discuss the draft presentation (Zoom or in person)
7. Present the paper and actively participate in the discussion of the other students' presentation (Zoom)

The final presentations will be held on a single day toward the end of the semester in a mini-conference format. The exact date will be up to voting.

We will discuss the timeline of all the steps during the first meeting. But first meeting takes place in week 18 or 19, and you can indicate your preference via the questionnaire. The meeting then takes place on the date with the most votes (The format will be the same as previous editions, so if you have attended the JC QO&OM before, there is no need to join the first meeting again)

I have already put a number of papers on Moodle, but we are always looking forward to your own suggestions.

Best regards,

Menno Poot